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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Artwork: Poem

This was written by a contributor who chooses to remain nameless to readers, it is a representation of his thoughts, feelings and dissonance as well as the dissonance of people and the conflict of the inner cynic versus what he calls, "the eternal optimist."  It is entitled, "Ad Infinitum."

Do what you like
Like what you do
This above all to thine own self be true

Some of us gamble
Some of us drink
Some of us smile
and those who don't think

The heart is a thing
The heart is a place
The heart is a heartache
Just taking up space

Don't do it for favors
Don't do it for pay
Never be trusting
Or do more than you say

Find a teacher
Purchase a friend
Find yourself love
From now to the end

Vanities all
In future
In present
Never trust the perpetually pleasant

For all things there are time
For all people as well
Keep yourself thinking
For we make our own hell

Don't worry about things
Money or items
Only happiness matters
Ad infinitum


  1. Nice blog and very impressive poem. You should add a follow gadget so people can follow your blog.

    -The Anon Blogger

  2. Thank you very much for the tip, I thought it was there automatically. Fixed.
